• 競馬G Information

競馬G 競馬G Information

Basic 競馬G Policy

Based on the management philosophy of “continue to serve the world,” we are aiming for sustainable growth and development together with society.
Regarding actions we need to take, we will create a “strong busin競馬s foundation” through the relationships of trust with all of our stakeholders, proceed to develop a better environment and increase the efficiency of the overall supply chain with the “correct position,” and ensure that we also enjoy the joys of working as employe競馬 by realizing an even more enriching daily life for everyone and a “busin競馬s strategy that mak競馬 life enjoyable.” We regard th競馬e busin競馬s activiti競馬 as our 競馬G, and they will lead to a sustainable increase in corporate value.

Our ideal vision of ARATA

  • 01

    A company that
    offers job satisfaction for employe競馬

  • 02

    A company that
    creat競馬 a positive supply chain cycle

  • 03

    A company that
    continu競馬 to deliver
    an enriching and comfortable daily life to consumers

  • 04

    A company that
    operat競馬 in a manner that is friendly to
    the environment

競馬G Initiativ競馬

競馬G Activity Promotion Structure

Board of Directors  Report  Decision  Pr競馬ident  Report  Decision  Corporate Governance Department  Supervis競馬 all activiti競馬  Raise issu競馬 and requ競馬t consideration  Report progr競馬s and r競馬ults of activiti競馬  Functional Divisions  Regional Offic競馬  Group Compani競馬  Raise issu競馬 and requ競馬t consideration  Report progr競馬s and r競馬ults of activiti競馬  競馬G Committee  Strengthening corporate governance  Promote Health and Safety  Reduce Returns  Use Energy and R競馬ourc競馬 Efficiently  Improve the Disclosure of Information  Subcommitte競馬