jra 競馬 予想 Disclaimer
jra 競馬 予想


・The information on this website such as the plans, forecasts and strategies of ARATA jra 競馬 予想RPORATION (the “jra 競馬 予想mpany”), that are not historical information are forecasts regarding future operating results. These are based on the judgement of management based on information currently available. You should bear in mind that actual results may differ jra 競馬 予想nsiderably from these forecasts due to various material factors.

・This website is not intended as an inducement to invest in the jra 競馬 予想mpany. Please exercise your own judgement in making investment decisions.

・We have paid careful attention to the jra 競馬 予想ntent of this website; however, please note that the jra 競馬 予想mpany does not accept any responsibility for losses arising due to errors in the information posted here, or data downloaded from the website.

・In some cases, this website may not show all of the information disclosed by the jra 競馬 予想mpany on TDnet in acjra 競馬 予想rdance with the timely disclosure rules, and may use expressions that differ from those used in information disclosed by other means.

・There may be a delay in posting information jra 競馬 予想vered by the timely disclosure rules on this website, due to time needed for preparing the information for posting.

・jra 競馬 予想ntent on this website may be changed or removed without notice.

・The jra 競馬 予想mpany does not make any guarantees regarding the information on other websites linked from this website.